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Tour Inuyama via mobile app.

Inuyama Trip

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What is Inuyama Trip?


What is Inuyama Trip?

Inuyama Trip is a mobile navigation app that provides information on various famous locations and recommended destinations in Inuyama, Aichi Prefecture.
With Inuyama Trip, you can search Inuyama and discover enticing new locations to visit.



Select the route you prefer and search the city of Inuyama.

  1. Visit recommended tourist spots on foot while you participate in a stamp rally!
  2. We have provided a variety of recommended tour routes for learning about history and culture.
  3. When selecting a route, check the time required, walking distance, and tourist spots you will be visiting!
  4. When you get close to a tourist spot during your tour, you will be notified by a sound and an icon.
  5. It shows nearby tourist spots so you can take detours to visit them.
  6. Check your stamp book to see the places you've visited! Go on a quest to collect every stamp!

Fun and useful

Special & Useful

This app also tells folktales from Inuyama.

This app also tells folktales from Inuyama.

Each animated video is about one minute long. You can watch them whenever you like.
If you like something, you can instantly tap it to make a handy bookmark.

If you like something, you can instantly tap it to make a handy bookmark.

Just tap the icon to save a Bookmark. You can see your Bookmarks on your personal settings page.
The maps are available even without Wi-Fi.

The maps are available even without Wi-Fi.

The map function is also available offline, so you can still browse the map without an Internet connection. You can have fun walking around without worrying about whether the app will work.
Health goals! Monitor your health by counting footsteps!

Health goals! Monitor your health by counting footsteps!

The number of steps you have taken today is shown in the top-left corner of the screen. Walk and get healthy while you enjoy sightseeing on foot.